What to expect from James Webb telescope | Pre & Post Launching of James Webb Space Telescope 2.0

What to expect from James Webb telescope | Pre & Post Launching of James Webb Space Telescope 2.0

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This video is about:
1.Who launched webb space telescope?
2. Is really jwst the successor of the Hubble telescope?
3.Do you know how long jwst took to be abled to launch in space?
4.Launching and reaching of James Webb
5.Post-Launch twist
What to expect from jwst?
6. What to expect from James Webb telescope | Pre & Post Launching of James Webb Space Telescope 2.0

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What to expect from James Webb telescope | Pre & Post Launching of James Webb Space Telescope 2.0

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What to expect from James Webb telescope | Pre & Post Launching of James Webb Space Telescope 2.0
#jwst #jameswebbspacetelescope